Sheesh - yet another thread about Dawkins!!!
I tell you - Richard Dawkins should start his own religion - he would make a fortune and would have millions of adherents eating out of his hand.
Looks like he is messing with his kids mind just the way JWs do.
His letter pretty much ignores the possibility of faith based belief - that would be due to the fact he does not have faith in such things himself. Faith in anything supernatural is beyond science to prove/disprove so to turn around and ask the question "show me the evidence" for "everything" is a failure to recognize that Faith in God, Faith in life after death or Faith in any kind of supernatural life etc, is beyond science and may not have direct physical evidence.
Also for Dawkins - the ultimate test for anything is "science". But even within the realm of science their is a lack of cohesion and agreement. Within the letter he uses this line -
Scientists - the specialists in discovering what is true about the world and the universe
But what if the scientists disagree - who do we believe, follow or accept as the "truth about the world"?
Some scientists are athiests and some are not. Which is correct? If I shout "show me the evidence" I will be none the wiser as neither will have absolute evidence to "prove" their position. So ultimately it comes down to a personal choice.
As far as I am concerned we should let kids grow up in there own way without pre-programming them to think a certain way - religious, scientific or otherwise.
The Scotsman